Mike Trout has been making waves in Major League Baseball for as long as he has been in the league, often being considered one of the best players in the league throughout his career.
As this year is slowly reaching its end it was high time we drew the line when it comes to the amount of money top NBA players have earned this year. Let us see it there are some new names on the list and change of places or this year's list will be the same as the one from 2014. Here are top five NBA players when it comes to earnings in 2015.
Deciphering the Numbers: Who's the Greatest NFL Quarterback Ever? If you purely looked at the numbers, the three quarterbacks that most of us feel are in the running for best quarterback ever, may not necessarily be at the top. So many great quarterbacks have thrown for so many yards, played in so many games, thrown so many touchdowns, but the true measure of greatness in any sport is winning. Winning is why the game is played.
Today I'm going to be counting down the top 5 greatest players in NBA history, which is always a hotly debated topic. Most people agree on who's number one, but the rest of the list is almost always the issue.
Defense is a lost art in today's game. Too many fans focus too much on the offensive side of the ball. If NikStauskas has an off night, he is chastised for his poor shooting, rather than the guy who defended him being praised. It's sad. Great defenders lacking offensive dominance go underappreciated in their collegiate careers, and are taken later in the draft or not at all. All the while, prolific scorers who can't play a lick of defense are taken in the Top 5 every year.
Posted By Jenny Corteza in Best Moments in Sports History
Jan 26, 2014
Everyone has a favorite team and within the team, a favorite player. A sporting feat that travels beyond the narrow confines of the favoritism has the inherent all-encompassing quality. Everyone loves to cherish the moment of achievement by a favorite player and files it away for nostalgia. Here are some 10 such glorious moments for you to derive happiness from for years to come.
Today's top athletes rake in higher salaries than their predecessors, but even a century ago star athletes earned more than other members of their respective leagues. This list of the top 10 highest-paid athletes of all time was compiled by comparing top athletes' salaries to the average salaries for athletes of their eras. Each of these athletes earned at least 10times as much as the average league player of the time.
Sports fans love to talk about their favorite team, player, coach, program, etc. Everyone has their own personal best all-time favorites.
In fact, if you want to strike up a conversation with a sports fan, just
ask them which sport is their favorite and follow-up with a question
about who they think is the all-time best in that sport. You'll be
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Best All-Time Sports -- whatever -- are what this site is all about. So, dig right into it and see if you agree with our picks.
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College football "ain't what it used to be." A quick look at NCAA football history shows how incredibly far it has come from its humble origins to its current unexpected, but spectacular, heights.
If you are a college sports fan you'll want to read this short summary of the history of college sports. We focus on football, basketball and baseball.
Olympic sports history can be traced back all the way to the 8th Century BC. In the 20th century the Olympics grew to become what it is today -- the biggest sporting event in the world.
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